This paper explores how speedrunners conceive of performance, negotiate their relationship with the audience, and articulate competitive and mediation objectives within theframework of the spectacle of live-streaming speedrun marathons. Based on seventeen semi-structured interviews with practitioners performing various roles in the French charity event SpeeDons2022 (speedrunners,commentators,entertainers,reviewers), this research will show how they must navigate between competing representations of the practice and contrasting systems of norms.
langue originale | Anglais |
titre | Live Performance and Video Games |
Sous-titre | Inspirations, Appropriations and Mutual Transfers |
rédacteurs en chef | Réjane Dreifuss, Simon Hagemann, Izabella Pluta |
Lieu de publication | Bielefeld |
Editeur | transcript Verlag |
Pages | 195-215 |
ISBN (imprimé) | 9783839471739 |
Les DOIs | |
Etat de la publication | Publié - 2024 |
- speedrun
- videogames
- Twitch
- streaming
- spectacle
- performance
- performance studies
- game studies
- sciences du jeu