From Home to Stage: How Speedrunners Negotiate Performance, Relation to the Audience, and Spectacle in Live-Streaming Speedrun Marathons

Sacha Bernard, Fanny Barnabé

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceChapitre (revu par des pairs)Revue par des pairs


This paper explores how speedrunners conceive of performance, negotiate their relationship with the audience, and articulate competitive and mediation objectives within theframework of the spectacle of live-streaming speedrun marathons. Based on seventeen semi-structured interviews with practitioners performing various roles in the French charity event SpeeDons2022 (speedrunners,commentators,entertainers,reviewers), this research will show how they must navigate between competing representations of the practice and contrasting systems of norms.
langue originaleAnglais
titreLive Performance and Video Games
Sous-titreInspirations, Appropriations and Mutual Transfers
rédacteurs en chefRéjane Dreifuss, Simon Hagemann, Izabella Pluta
Lieu de publicationBielefeld
Editeurtranscript Verlag
ISBN (imprimé)9783839471739
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2024


  • speedrun
  • videogames
  • Twitch
  • streaming
  • spectacle
  • performance
  • performance studies
  • game studies
  • sciences du jeu

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