Electronic structure of Cu2O and CuO

Jacques Ghijsen, Liu-Hao Tjeng, Jan van Elp, Henk Eskes, Jos Westerink, George A. Sawatzky, Marek T. Czyzyk

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


The electronic structure of copper oxides has been investigated by photoelectron (x-ray photoemission, ultraviolet photoemission), Auger electron, and bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopies. The experimental results are compared with one-electron band-structure calculations as well as with a cluster configuration interaction model. It is demonstrated that the results for Cu2O agree well with band theory, whereas those for CuO clearly show strong deviations which we argue are due to electron-correlation effects in the open-shell d bands. From the comparison to cluster calculations we extract values for the Cu d−d and O p−p Coulomb interactions, the O to Cu charge transfer energy, and the degree of Cu d−O 2p hybridization. From this we demonstrate that CuO is a charge-transfer gap insulator.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)11322-11330
Nombre de pages9
journalPhysical review. B, Condensed matter
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1988
Modification externeOui

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