Dynamical affinity in opinion dynamics modelling

Franco Bagnoli, Timoteo Carletti, Duccio Fanelli, Alessio Guarino, Andrea Guazzini

    Résultats de recherche: Livre/Rapport/RevueAutre rapport


    We here propose a model to simulate the process of opinion formation, which accounts for the mutual affinity between interacting agents. Opinion and affinity evolve self-consistently, manifesting a highly non trivial interplay. A continuous transition is found between single and multiple opinion states. Fractal dimension and signature of critical behaviour are also reported. A rich phenomenology is presented and discussed with reference to corresponding psychological implications.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Lieu de publicationNamur
    EditeurFUNDP, Faculté des Sciences. Département de Mathématique.
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 2007

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