Direct formation of self-bonded pellets during the synthesis of Mordenite and ZSM-11 zeolites from very dense systems

P. De Luca, F. Crea, A. Fonseca, Janos B.Nagy (Editeur Scientifique)

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticle


    Zeolite synthesis was performed from low water containing initial gels. The batch composition was: aM2O–bNa2O–bAl2O3–150SiO2–2bTAABr–490H2O with M=Li, Na, K; TAA is tetramethyl, tetraethyl and tetrabutyl-ammonium; 2.25⩽a⩽8.82 and 1.87⩽b⩽30. Self-bonded pellets of high mechanical resistance of mordenite and ZSM-11 were obtained from two systems: the first one did not contain any organic cations, while the second one was made in presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide. The other systems led either to nonpelleted mordenite, ZSM-5 or sodalite.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)37-48
    Nombre de pages12
    journalMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials
    Numéro de publication1-2
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 2001

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