title = "Dictionnaire des termes litt{\'e}raires: paperback edition",
author = "{van Gorp}, Hendrik and Dirk Delabastita and Lieven D'hulst and Rita Ghesquiere and Rainier Grutman and Georges Legros and J. Baetens and Michel Brix and Karl Canvat and C. Jordens and Mich{\`e}le Monballin and A.-M. Nambot and Isabelle Piette",
note = "Publication code : #PN 0044.5/002 ; *FP A0535",
year = "2005",
language = "Fran{\c c}ais",
isbn = "2-7453-1436-4",
series = "Dictionnaires et r{\'e}f{\'e}rences",
publisher = "Champion",