Classes of random walks on temporal networks with competing timescales

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Random walks find applications in many areas of science and are the heart of essential network analytic tools. When defined on temporal networks, even basic random walk models may exhibit a rich spectrum of behaviours, due to the co-existence of different timescales in the system. Here, we introduce random walks on general stochastic temporal networks allowing for lasting interactions, with up to three competing timescales. We then compare the mean resting time and stationary state of different models. We also discuss the accuracy of the mathematical analysis depending on the random walk model and the structure of the underlying network, and pay particular attention to the emergence of non-Markovian behaviour, even when all dynamical entities are governed by memoryless distributions.
langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article72
Pages (de - à)1-20
Nombre de pages20
journalApplied Network Science
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 déc. 2019

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