Essai de caracterisation de quelques lacs rwandais par leur peuplement piscicole

C. K. Kanangire, E. Depiereux, J. C. Micha

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Ten Rwandan lakes have been characterized on the basis of two year's of fisheries data. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis applied to fish data show that different species are arranged on a curvilinear structure and that their number increases from upstream to downstream in the Nyabarongo-Akagera river. The classification of the lakes shows three groups: the northern poor lakes, the less poor Nyabarongo valley lakes and the Akagera valley lakes with the highest variety of fish species. This pattern shows the role of the Nyabarongo-Akagera river in the ecology of Rwandan aquatic ecosystems.

Titre traduit de la contributionCharacterization of some Rwandan lake based on their fish populations
langue originaleFrançais
Pages (de - à)141-150
Nombre de pages10
journalAnnales de Limnologie
Numéro de publication2
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1999


  • Characterization
  • Fish populations
  • Lakes
  • Rwanda

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