Benefits of Diversity, Communication Costs, and Public Opinion Dynamics

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    We study the dynamics of public opinion in a model in which agents change their opinions as a result of random binary encounters if the opinion difference is below their individual thresholds that evolve over time. We ground these thresholds in a simple individual cost-benefit analysis with linear benefits of diversity and quadratic communication costs. We clarify and deepen the results of earlier continuous-opinion dynamics models (Deffuant et al., Adv Complex Systems 2000 [1]; Weisbuch et al., Complexity 2002 [2]) and establish several new results regarding the patterns of opinions in the asymptotic state and the cluster formation time.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)54-63
    Nombre de pages10
    Numéro de publication2
    Etat de la publicationPublié - nov. 2009

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