An Epidemiological Survey of Venous Disease Among General Practitioner Attendees in Different Geographical Regions on the Globe: The Final Results of the Vein Consult Program

Marc E. Vuylsteke, Roos Colman, Sarah Thomis, Geneviève Guillaume, Damien Van Quickenborne, Ivan Staelens

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    This study measured the prevalence of chronic venous disease (CVD, C1-C6), chronic venous insufficiency (C3-C6) in 23 countries. The possible influence of risk factors was assessed. Patient recruitment was carried out by general practitioners. Patient characteristics, prevalence of risk factors, and C-classification were recorded. We assessed differences in prevalence and risk factors between Asia (A), Eastern Europe (EE), Latin America (LA), and Western Europe (WE). A total of 99 359 patients were included. The prevalence of CVD (51.9% A, 70.18% EE, 68.11% LA, and 61.65% WE) was significantly (P <.001) lower in A. Risk factors such as age, obesity, smoking, having regular exercise, use of birth control pills, prolonged standing and sitting, and having a positive family history differ significantly between regions. After model-based probabilities corrected for risk factors, significant differences in the probability of having CVD were only found in the older age-group (>65 years). The lowest prevalence was noted in A. Chronic venous disease is very common and the prevalence varies between different geographical areas. After correcting for risk factors, these differences diminished.

    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)779-785
    Nombre de pages7
    Numéro de publication9
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 oct. 2018

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