AMPKα1 deletion in myofibroblasts exacerbates post-myocardial infarction fibrosis by a connexin 43 mechanism

Cécile Dufeys, Evangelos Panagiotis Daskalopoulos, Diego Castanares-Zapatero, Simon J. Conway, Audrey Ginion, Caroline Bouzin, Jérôme Ambroise, Bertrand Bearzatto, Jean Luc Gala, Stephane Heymans, Anna Pia Papageorgiou, Stefan Vinckier, Julien Cumps, Jean Luc Balligand, Maarten Vanhaverbeke, Peter Sinnaeve, Stefan Janssens, Luc Bertrand, Christophe Beauloye, Sandrine Horman

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