Aligning XAI with EU Regulations for Smart Biomedical Devices: A Methodology for Compliance Analysis

Francesco Sovrano, Michael Lognoul, Giulia Vilone

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceChapitre

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Significant investment and development have gone into integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical and healthcare applications, leading to advanced control systems in medical technology. However, the opacity of AI systems raises concerns about essential characteristics needed in such sensitive applications, like transparency and trustworthiness. Our study addresses these concerns by investigating a process for selecting the most adequate Explainable AI (XAI) methods to comply with the explanation requirements of key EU regulations in the context of smart bioelectronics for medical devices. The adopted methodology starts with categorising smart devices by their control mechanisms (open-loop, closed-loop, and semi-closed-loop systems) and delving into their technology. Then, we analyse these regulations to define their explainability requirements for the various devices and related goals. Simultaneously, we classify XAI methods by their explanatory objectives. This allows for matching legal explainability requirements with XAI explanatory goals and determining the suitable XAI algorithms for achieving them. Our findings provide a nuanced understanding of which XAI algorithms align better with EU regulations for different types of medical devices. We demonstrate this through practical case studies on different neural implants, from chronic disease management to advanced prosthetics. This study fills a crucial gap in aligning XAI applications in bioelectronics with stringent provisions of EU regulations. It provides a practical framework for developers and researchers, ensuring their AI innovations advance healthcare technology and adhere to legal and ethical standards.
langue originaleAnglais
titreProceedings of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Lieu de publicationAmsterdam
EditeurIOS Press
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2024

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