A dileucine signal situated in the C-terminal tail of the lysosomal membrane protein p40 is responsible for its targeting to lysosomes

Marielle Boonen, Roberta Rezende de Castro, Gaëlle Cuvelier, Isabelle Hamer, Michel Jadot

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs

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Transport of newly synthesized lysosomal membrane proteins from the TGN (trans-Golgi network) to the lysosomes is due to the presence of specific signals in their cytoplasmic domains that are recognized by cytosolic adaptors. p40, a hypothetical transporter of 372 amino acids localized in the lysosomal membrane, contains four putative lysosomal sorting motifs in its sequence: three of the YXXø-type (Y6QLF, Y106VAL, Y333 NGL) and one of the [D/E]XXXL[L/I]-type (EQERL 360L361). To test the role of these motifs in the biosynthetic transport of p40, we replaced the most critical residues of these consensus sequences, the tyrosine residue or the leucine-leucine pair, by alanine or alanine-valine respectively. We analysed the subcellular localization of the mutated p40 proteins in transfected HeLa cells by confocal microscopy and by biochemical approaches (subcellular fractionation on self-forming Percoll density gradients and cell surface biotinylation). The results of the present study show that p40 is mistargeted to the plasma membrane when its dileucine motif is disrupted. No role of the tyrosine motifs could be put forward. Taken together, our results provide evidence that the sorting of p40 from the TGN to the lysosomes is directed by the dileucine EQERL360L361 motif situated in its C-terminal tail.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)431-440
Nombre de pages10
journalBiochemical journal
Numéro de publication3
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 15 sept. 2008

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