A dataset for sustainability assessment of agroecological practices in a crop-livestock farming system

Julia Jouan, Matthieu Carof, Rim Baccar, Nathalie Bareille, Suzanne Bastian, Delphine Brogna, Giovanni Burgio, Sébastien Couvreur, Michał Cupiał, Marc Dufrêne, Benjamin Dumont, Philippe Gontier, Anne Lise Jacquot, Jarosław Kański, Serena Magagnoli, Joanna Makulska, Guénola Pérès, Aude Ridier, Thibault Salou, Fabio SgolastraAnna Szeląg-Sikora, Sylwester Tabor, Barbara Tombarkiewicz, Andrzej Węglarz, Olivier Godinot

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


This article presents data designed by European researchers who performed a literature review and interpreted the results to determine impact factors of many agroecological practices on a wide variety of sustainability indicators. The impact factors are represented in a matrix that connects practices to indicators. The indicators are related to environmental, economic and social sustainability of a typical European integrated crop-livestock farm. The data are included in the serious game SEGAE to learn agroecology, as described in “SEGAE: a serious game to learn agroecology” [1]. The data can be modified to adapt the game to other agricultural systems. Finally, the data can be re-used in research projects as a basis to assess impacts of agroecological practices.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article107078
journalData in Brief
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Etat de la publicationPublié - juin 2021
Modification externeOui

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