Évolution de la carboxyhémoglobinémie et de la méthémoglobinémie lors de résections endoscopiques : une étude observationnelle

L Bairy, G Hardy, M Di Gregorio, B Bihin

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


AIM OF THE STUDY: Combustion of organic tissues due to endoscopic resection could induce methemoglobin (MetHb) and carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) formation. The aim of this study is to evaluate MetHb and COHb formation in patients undergoing prostatic or bladder endoscopic procedures.

METHODS: COHb and MetHb measurements were performed in 44 patients at the beginning and end of the procedure. A third measurement was done in patients who stayed more than one hour in the recovery room. Means were compared using Student t-test, simple regressions were used for quantitative variables and ANOVA for categorical variables. Multiple linear regressions were used for multivariate analysis.

RESULTS: COHb increased by 0.5±0.9 % (95 % CI: 0.2 to 0.7 % P=0.001). MetHb increase was 0.0±0.4 % (95 % CI: -0.1 to 0.2 % P=0.552). In univariate analysis, the variables associated with COHb increase are the length of surgery, the amount of irrigation fluid and location (prostate or bladder) of the procedure. In the multivariate model, COHb increase is associated with the amount of liquid and the location.

CONCLUSION: MetHb did not increase during endoscopic surgery. In contrast, COHb increases, and can, in some patients, exceed 2-4 %. This could be responsible for a decreased angina threshold in patients with ischemic heart disease.


Titre traduit de la contributionEvolution of the carboxyhemoglobinemia and methemoglobinemia during endoscopic resection: An observational study
langue originaleFrançais
Pages (de - à)98-102
Nombre de pages5
journalProgres en urologie
Numéro de publication2
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 févr. 2017
Modification externeOui


  • Carboxyhemoglobin
  • Cystoscopy
  • Methemoglobin
  • Transurethral resection of prostate

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