β-Selective one-pot fluorophosphorylation of d,d -heptosylglycals mediated by selectfluor

Stéphane Vincent, Abdellatif Tikad

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


This study describes the development of a novel procedure of glycal fluorophosphorylation applied to the synthesis of a fluorinated analogue of an important bacterial metabolite. This procedure was applied to several heptose-derived glycals, and the stereochemical outcome of the reaction was analyzed. Under optimized conditions, the reaction is β-gluco selective, but a significant amount of the α-gluco diastereomer is also generated.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)392-397
Nombre de pages6
journalIsrael journal of chemistry
Numéro de publication3-4
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 avr. 2015

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