Nathalie Dumont

Calculé d’après le nombre de publications stockées dans Pure et de citations dans Scopus

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Profil personnel


I'm a researcher in marketing at the University of Namur (UNamur). My main research interest concerns branding and consumer behavior. I'm member of the Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure (CeRCLe | UNamur) as well as of the Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS | Unamur-UCL). I'm currently enrolled in a PhD program and work at the same time as teaching assistant in Marketing Management, Market Research and Information System. Before devoting myself to research and teaching, I worked for 10 years in the media and entertainment industry as marketing manager.


PhD in Business Administration - Marketing - Unamur (2017-2023)

Master in Business Administration - Marketing - IAE France (2005-2006)

Master in Communication - Business Communication - ULB (2001-2005)

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