Projets par an
Profil personnel
Having graduated as a Computer Science Engineer from the University of Louvain (UCL), Martin started his career as an IT consultant. During five years, he enjoyed many positions in the software development life cycle, in particular Requirements Engineering (RE). During that period he developed a training technique for teaching soft skills to RE teams that is based on improvisational theater. This has inspired him to return to the university to start a PhD on the topic of collaboration and creativity in RE, which is ongoing. His industry experience and the emphasis on collaboration and creativity provide a solid background for animating workshops. MArtin is currently working on "Methodologies for the evaluation of the environmental impact of ICT developments". In this role he published one of the first studies on sustainability and RE.
Domaines de compétence
Business Analysis
Soft Skills for ICT
Charges externes
Having graduated as a Computer Science Engineer from the University of Louvain (UCL), Martin started his career as an IT consultant. During five years, he enjoyed many positions in the software development life cycle, in particular Requirements Engineering (RE). During that period he developed a training technique for teaching soft skills to RE teams that is based on improvisational theater. This has inspired him to return to the university to start a PhD on the topic of collaboration and creativity in RE, which is ongoing. His industry experience and the emphasis on collaboration and creativity provide a solid background for animating workshops. MArtin is currently working on "Methodologies for the evaluation of the environmental impact of ICT developments". In this role he published one of the first studies on sustainability and RE.
Domaines de compétence
Business Analysis
Soft Skills for ICT
Charges externes
Expertise relative aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies
En 2015, les États membres des Nations Unies ont convenu de 17 objectifs de développement durable (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) pour éradiquer la pauvreté, protéger la planète et assurer la prospérité de tous. Le travail de cette personne contribue à la poursuite du/des SDG suivant(s) :
Empreinte digitale
- 1 Profils similaires
- 4 Terminé
Thesis-M-Mahaux: Improvisational Theater for Software Requirements Engineering
HEYMANS, P. (Co-investigateur) & MAHAUX, M. (Chercheur)
1/12/09 → 30/11/13
Projet: Projet de thèse
GreenNess: Software Engineering for Sustainable Development
HEYMANS, P. (Responsable du Projet) & MAHAUX, M. (Chercheur)
1/09/08 → 31/08/13
Projet: Recherche
REFILL: Re-engineering to Software Product Lines
HEYMANS, P. (Responsable du Projet) & MAHAUX, M. (Chercheur)
1/09/08 → 31/08/13
Projet: Recherche
RW/FEDER-IQS: Centre d'Expertise en Ingénierie et Qualité des Systèmes
Habra, N. (Responsable du Projet), HEYMANS, P. (Responsable du Projet), Montero Redondo, E. (Responsable du Projet), BOUCHER, Q. (Chercheur), DEMOULIN, M. (Chercheur), KAMSEU, F. (Chercheur) & MAHAUX, M. (Chercheur)
1/09/08 → 31/12/13
Projet: Recherche
Résultat de recherche
Participation and open innovation for sustainable software engineering
Mahaux, M. & Castiaux, A., 2015, Green in Software Engineering. Calero & Piattini (eds.). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, p. 301-323 23 p.Titre traduit de la contribution :Participation et innovation ouverte pour le développement de logiciels durables Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférence › Chapitre (revu par des pairs) › Revue par des pairs
6 Téléchargements (Pure) -
RE4SuSy: 4th International workshop on requirements engineering for Sustainable systems, part of the greens alliance
Penzenstadler, B., Mahaux, M., Salinesi, C. & Chitchyan, R., 2015, Dans: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1416Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revue › Article › Revue par des pairs
A framework for understanding collaborative creativity in requirements engineering: Empirical validation
Mahaux, M., Nguyen, L., Mich, L. & Mavin, A., 3 sept. 2014, 2014 IEEE 4th International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering, EmpiRE 2014 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 48-55 8 p. 6890116Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférence › Article dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque
RE4SuSy: 3rd international workshop on requirements engineering for sustainable systems
Penzenstadler, B., Mahaux, M. & Salinesi, C., 1 janv. 2014, Dans: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1216Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revue › Article › Revue par des pairs
Report on the 2nd international workshop on requirements engineering for sustainable systems (RE4SuSy)
Penzenstadler, B., Mahaux, M. & Salinesi, C., 1 janv. 2014, Dans: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1216Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revue › Article › Revue par des pairs
Co-Creating Sustainable Systems
Mahaux, M. (Auteur)Heymans, P. (Promoteur), Petit, M. (Président), Maiden, N. (Jury), de Saint-Georges, I. (Jury), Dumas, B. (Jury), Perrouin, G. (Jury) & Castiaux, A. (Jury), 8 juin 2017Student thesis: Doc types › Docteur en Sciences