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Jérôme Mallargé obtained his Bachelor’s degree in economics and management in 2008 and graduated in management (Master’s degree) in 2010 both from the University of Namur.

Former project manager in the banking sector (business engineering projects), he is now researcher in the Business Administration department of the University of Namur on a “Germaine Tillion” project (Walloon Region). Jérôme acts as co-manager of the project that is conjointly governed with the University of Mons (UMons). The research project deals with social innovation by means of a new bike sharing system.

Jérôme Mallargé is doctoral student in marketing under the guidance of Profs. P. Zidda and A. Decrop. His research interest is mainly on collaborative consumption. He is member of the Center for Research on Consumption and Leisure (CeRCLe-UNamur). He is also member of the Center on Consumers and Marketing Strategy (CCMS), the marketing interuniversity research center of the University of Louvain (UCL) and the University of Namur.


Expertise relative aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies

En 2015, les États membres des Nations Unies ont convenu de 17 objectifs de développement durable (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) pour éradiquer la pauvreté, protéger la planète et assurer la prospérité de tous. Le travail de cette personne contribue à la poursuite du/des SDG suivant(s) :

  • SDG 1 - Pas de pauvreté

Empreinte digitale

Passez en revue plus en détail les thèmes de recherche où Jérôme Mallargé est actif. Ces libellés thématiques proviennent des travaux de cette personne. Ensemble, ils forment une empreinte digitale unique.
  • 1 Profils similaires
  • EMAC 2015

    Mallarge, J. (Participant)

    26 mai 201529 mai 2015

    Activité: Participation ou organisation d'un événementParticipation à une conférence, un congrès