Photo de Corentin Visee
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Profil personnel


Corentin Visée is a geographer specialising in environmental change, data modelling with R and fostering collaboration within the scientific community. After completing his Masters in Geography at UCLouvain, Corentin now tutors undergraduate students at UNamur while pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Sabine Henry and Sébastien Dujardin.
Corentin's research focuses on population mapping in Senegal, using data-driven modelling techniques to understand population distribution patterns and their changes over time. His work has implications for urban planning, resource allocation and public health, contributing to sustainable development in the region.
Corentin actively shares code snippets and collaborates with colleagues to foster a supportive research community. His commitment to knowledge sharing and open science principles embodies his desire to collectively advance geographic science.
Furthermore, Corentin's scientific journey is enriched by his fieldwork experiences. He embraces the realities and challenges of working on the ground, collecting first-hand data, and engaging with local communities. These fieldwork experiences supply a unique perspective that complements his data-driven research and enables a comprehensive understanding of the geographical phenomena he studies.

Expertise relative aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies

En 2015, les États membres des Nations Unies ont convenu de 17 objectifs de développement durable (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) pour éradiquer la pauvreté, protéger la planète et assurer la prospérité de tous. Le travail de cette personne contribue à la poursuite du/des SDG suivant(s) :

  • SDG 1 - Pas de pauvreté
  • SDG 3 - Bonne santé et bien-être
  • SDG 5 - Égalité des sexes
  • SDG 12 - Consommation et production responsables
  • SDG 13 - Action climatique

Qualification académique

Maîtrise de géographie

Empreinte digitale

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Collaborations et principaux domaines de recherche des cinq dernières années

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