- 1 - 25 sur 50 résultats
Résultats de recherche
University of Namur Reports Findings in Technology (Atomistic insights into the nucleation and growth of hexagonal boron nitride and graphene heterostructures)
Colomer, J.-F., HENRARD, L., Henrard, L. & Achehboune, M.
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University of Namur Researchers Highlight Recent Research in Emerging Technologies (Animal Species Identification in Historical Parchments by Continuous Wavelet Transform-Convolutional Neural Network Classifier Applied to ...)
Deparis, O., Mayer, A., Bouhy, J. & Gravis, D.
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University of Namur Reports Findings in Science [Quantum chemistry study on the hyper-Rayleigh scattering optical activity of R-carvone and (1R,5R)-a-pinene]
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Researcher from University of Namur Publishes Findings in Networks (Multigraph reconstruction via nonlinear random walk)
Carletti, T. & de Kemmeter, J.-F.
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University of Namur Reports Findings in Chemicals and Chemistry (Exploring fluorinated heptose phosphate analogues as inhibitors of HldA and HldE, key enzymes in the biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide)
De Bolle, X., Vincent, S., Wouters, J. & Veytia Bucheli, J. I.
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New Findings from University of Namur in the Area of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Reported (Gradient-based Explanation for Non-linear Non-parametric Dimensionality Reduction)
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Recent Studies from University of Cambridge Add New Data to Electronics (Efficient Near-infrared Organic Light-emitting Diodes With Emission From Spin Doublet Excitons)
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Universite de Namur Reports Findings in Science (Understanding Spin-Triplet Excited States in Carbene-Metal-Amides)
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University of Namur Reports Findings in Mathematics (Hyperparameter Control Using Fuzzy Logic: Evolving Policies for Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm)
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Researcher from University of Namur Reports on Findings in Chemical Physics (Irreducible Cartesian tensor decomposition: A computational approach)
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New Health and Medicine Data Has Been Reported by a Researcher at University of Namur (Complex Contagion in Social Systems With Distrust)
Carletti, T. & de Kemmeter, J.-F.
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Presse/Médias: Commentaire d'expert
University of Namur Reports Findings in Science (On the third-order nonlinear optical responses of cis and trans stilbenes - a quantum chemistry investigation)
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Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) Reports Findings in Ecology and Evolution (Intraspecific demographic and trait responses to environmental change drivers are linked in two species of ciliate)
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Study Results from Government College University Update Understanding of Photocatalytics (Stabilizing the Dopability of Chalcogens In Bazro3 Through Tizr Co-doping and Its Impact On the Opto-electronic and Photocatalytic Properties: a Meta-gga ...)
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Findings from University of Namur Provides New Data about Machine Learning (When Magnetron Sputtering Deposition Meets Machine Learning: Application To Process Anomaly Detection)
Lucas, S., Frénay, B. & Haye, E.
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Reports from University of Namur Advance Knowledge in Robotics (On the Evolution of Adaptable and Scalable Mechanisms for Collective Decision-making In a Swarm of Robots)
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Study Data from University of Namur Update Knowledge of Engineering (Towards Better Transition Modeling In Recurrent Neural Networks: the Case of Sign Language Tokenization)
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Findings from University of Namur in the Area of Information and Knowledge Management Described [Do Open Government Data (Ogd) Portals Show Signs of Knowledge Management (Km) Practices?: an Empirical Investigation]
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New Data from Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science Illuminate Research in Carbon Research (New local pseudopotential for multilayer carbon materials and its application in wave packet dynamics)
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Study Findings on Antimalarial Agents Are Outlined in Reports from University of Namur (Salt and Cocrystals Combining Sulfathiazole With Pyrimethamine)
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University of Exeter Researcher Discusses Findings in Optics (Morphological and Optical Modification of Melanosomes in Fish Integuments upon Oxidation)
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University of Namur Reports Findings in Chemical Physics (First hyperpolarizability of the di-8-ANEPPS and DR1 nonlinear optical chromophores in solution. An experimental and multi-scale theoretical chemistry study)
Champagne, B., Beaujean, P. & Ramos, T. N.
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Presse/Médias: Commentaire d'expert
University of Namur Reports Findings in Science (Understanding the surrounding effects on Raman optical activity signatures of a chiral cage system: Cryptophane-PP-111)
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Presse/Médias: Commentaire d'expert
Pollution and health of marine ecosystems – A publication that challenges current knowledge
Mouchet, S., Cortesi, F. & Kolaric, B.
1/11/23 → 9/11/23
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Presse/Médias: Recherche
University of Namur Researcher Describes Research in Chemical Physics (Third-harmonic scattering optical activity: QED theory, symmetry considerations, and quantum chemistry applications in the framework of response theory)
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Presse/Médias: Commentaire d'expert