Embracing and rejecting multilingualism: A linguistic ethnographic study of policy negotiation in an urban secondary school with a multilingual project.

Activité: ExamensThèse externe


This dissertation investigates language policy in a Dutch-medium secondary school in Brussels. The school in question endeavours to implement a language policy in which languages other than Dutch are formally included, which is in stark contrast to their peers, which often implement a strict, Dutch-only policy in order to respond to the increasing linguistic diversity and “Frenchification” in Brussels Dutch-medium education. This thesis addresses the question of how the teachers negotiated such a pro-multilingual language policy in the classroom in this setting.
Période12 oct. 202019 nov. 2020
CandidatSue Goossens
L'examen a eu lieu à
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles
Degré de reconnaissanceNational