Visually effective Tropos models

  • Quentin Boucher

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


As part of the requirements engineering discipline, the purpose of goal modelling languages is to list the different goals of people fulfilled by the system to be developed. Those different goals and requirements are represented with diagrams in order to facilitate the developers-users communication. This is related
to the fact that graphical representations are often considered as easier to understand than formal sentences. However, due to their complexity, those diagrams fail to reach their purpose. In this thesis we analyse one goal modelling approach, called Tropos and its supporting tool TAOM4e. We apply the principles for effective communication which is measured as the speed, ease and accuracy with which the information content is understood. Following those principles the Tropos model can be decomposed into manageable modules; the most important entities can be emphasized so that they draw attention and are read first; visual variables can contribute to discriminate, identify and structure model elements in the diagram. The output of our analysis is a set of 3 recommendation lists. The first one is related to Tropos language engineers. The second is meant for developers of tools which, like TAOM4e, support Tropos diagrams creation. Finally, the last list includes recommendations for Tropos modellers on how to create and maintain a goal model using Tropos and TAOM4e. Our suggested recommendations are validated in the illustrative example of the Conference Management System. In addition we have asked TAOM4e developers to evaluate the importance of our suggested recommendations. We hope that our proposal will contribute to improve Tropos and TAOM4e to create effective goal models.
Date of Award2008
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorPatrick Heymans (Supervisor), Raimundas Matulevicius (Co-Supervisor), Jonathan Lemaitre (Jury), Gautier Dallons (Jury) & Pierre Yves Schobbens (Jury)

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