Using Semi-Automated Topic Extractions to Generate Navigation Interfaces for Consumer Reviews

  • Hayk Tamazian

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


With the emergence of e-commerce websites, people rely more and more on online reviews from other users than ‘in-shop’ professionals to gather information about products that interest them.
This master-degree thesis is proposing a web-based application for navigating much efficiently through reviews of e-commerce products that contains an overwhelming number of reviews. To achieve this goal, we will be using different Natural Language Processing (NLP) technics and make a working implementation with HTML5 for front-end and Java8 for back-end.
Date of Award29 Aug 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorJean-Marie Jacquet (President), Patrick Heymans (Supervisor), Jean-Marc Davril (Co-Supervisor) & MAXIME CORDY (Co-Supervisor)

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