Une ontologie pour le profilage des sites de réseaux sociaux par rétro ingénierie

  • Véronique Crémer

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


There are hundreds of social network sites. Millions of people are registered. They offer the opportunity to create a profile and then create links with other members. They also allow to post messages, articles, photographies, etc.. All this leaves traces in the databases of these sites, which is not always without consequence. It is precisely this knowledge that this master thesis, firstly, is looking through a knowledge representation, ie, an ontology. In a second step, the master thesis considers the problem of the risk of connecting two profiles, as well as the consequences in case of merging of two different social networking sites.
Date of Award2011
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorVincent Englebert (Supervisor)


  • social network
  • ontology
  • reverse engineering
  • private data

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