The Influence of Creative Hubs on the Evolution of its Users
: Empirical evidence of the Namur Creative Hub (TRAKK)

  • Arthur Peumans

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Management


The growth of the creative economy has encouraged policymakers and city planners to support creativity, sustainability, and innovation in this sector by establishing creative hubs. These physical spaces have previously been shown to influence the mindset, operations, and functioning of the associated creative entrepreneurs and businesses. This master’s thesis empirically investigates the influence of a specific creative hub, namely the TRAKK in Namur, on the evolution of its users. The results, generated after the use of the life-story approach, non-participant observation and document analysis, indicate that the FabLab within the TRAKK exerts an inspiring and supporting influence on the mindset, operations, and working of its users. These findings also provide evidence that two elements in the TRAKK, the infrastructure and the organised events, have provoked the happening of triggering events that have had an impact on its users.
Date of Award18 Jun 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorAnnick Castiaux (Supervisor)


  • creative economy
  • creative hubs
  • TRAKK Namur
  • FabLba
  • Life-story approach

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