Simulation et optimisation du flux d'une ligne d'embouteillage

  • Emilie Wanufelle

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    The goal of this thesis is to simulate and optimize the working of a bottling line. Only the part of the chain which connects the pasteurizer and the labeller is taken into account. The modelling of this portion of the line was already realized in the case where no problem affects it in a previous thesis entitled "Modelling and simulation of the flow of a bottling line", and written by Stéphanie Monstrul and Michaël Themans. This second part of the project concerns particularly the way to improve the output of the chain. With this aim in mind, two ideas are proposed. The model has been adapted to apply the ideas in the software and to test their impact of the working of the line. To be consistent with the reality, this project is realized in close co-operation with a factory which uses bottling line.
    Date of Award2003
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorAnnick Sartenaer (Supervisor), Benoît Colson (Jury) & Jean-Luc Heymans (Jury)

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