Reconnaissance d'objets 3D par leurs caractéristiques clés

  • Laurent Desmecht

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    In this document, the problem of the recognition of three-dimensional objects will be studied with the introduction of a new technique. The developed method will use an analysis of already existing methods and which are known to give results. The main ideas will be highlighted. In particular, an object is modelled as a list of contours; these contours will be the key features of the object. This concept will be put in parallel with the intuitive idea that an object can be recognized by these key features. The objects to be recognized will be in the form of a database of contours. For more control, this database of images will be created from 3d geometric models. It will be thus possible to use the structure of the object to give more importance to certain contours than to others. The results obtained with tests show that this method gives coherent results and that are very encouraging.
    Date of Award2004
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorMarcel Remon (Supervisor), Philippe TOINT (Jury) & Benoît Colson (Jury)

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