Résolution d'inégalités variationnelles par les méthodes du point proximal et du point fixe

  • Noémie Giot

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    In this thesis, we propose methods for solving variational inequalities (singlevalued and multivalued) and equilibrium problem, by using the proximal point method and the banach contraction mapping fixed point principle. In fact we solve strongly monotone variational inequalities and equilibrium problem by the Banach contraction mapping fixed point principle, and then we combine this method with the proximal point method for solving monotone variational inequalities and equilibrium problem.
    Date of Award2006
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorJean-Jacques STRODIOT (Supervisor), Van Hien Nguyen (Jury) & Geneviève Salmon (Jury)

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