ORKA obstacles recognition with KAOS based on ASAX
: utilisation d'ASAX pour la détection d'obstacle

  • Simon Brohez
  • Yann Grégoire

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


    Dynamic program monitoring is an approach that can be used in requirement analysis to check whether an implementation of a solution corresponds to the expected behaviour of the program. We present ORKA, a tool developed to monitor an implementation of a system specified with KAOS, a goal oriented requirement analysis method. This tool translates KAOS specifications to ASAX rules. ASAX is an efficient sequential file analysis tool, previously used mainly for intrusion detection. The KAOS approach uses a subset of Temporal Logic (a set of predefined patterns). KAOS formulas are translated to ASAX rules that are used by ASAX to monitor a system trace. The expressiveness and efficiency of our approach is compared to other similar systems. This analysis allow us to determine if the specification is (in)complete and to re-examine it if necessary. Finally, we make of couple of tests and compare our existing approach with others, to judge its relevance and its efficiency.
    Date of Award2002
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorBaudouin LE CHARLIER (Supervisor)

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