Optimisation des tournées de ramassage scolaire de la commune de Seneffe

  • Laurie HOLLAERT

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    The municipality of Seneffe takes responsibility for the planning of the school bus services. For this purpose, it has two communal bus per harf day. However, it might have to use one or even two external buses to realize the entirety of the route during the same half day. In view of the significant cost that they represent, it tries to minimize their use. It would also like to minimize the traveled distance and if possible the number of rented time-slots to the sportive centers. This work suggests an algorithm able to meet as far as possible the needs of the municipality of Seneffe. It was designed on basis of a few elements from the application methods from the Vehicle Routing Problem but also from personal contributions which required creativity and imagination.
    Date of Award5 Sept 2011
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorEric Cornelis (Supervisor), Philippe TOINT (Jury), Annick Sartenaer (Jury) & Anne Lemaitre (Jury)

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