Network Management Systems
: The management of TCP/IP networks

  • Didier Heyvaert

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


When, at the present time, it is spoken of networks, the most approached subject is their management. This is due to a more and more urgent need for persons responsible for the networks who see their task becoming complicated. This complexity is generally caused by the development of telecommunication networks, from the point of view of their size but also of their composition. Thus, the persons responsible for the networks need new tools to help them solve the problems that can arise. In this work, we will first present a conception of what is, at the present time, the management of networks and of the tools useful for the management. Then, to assimilate the concepts needed to understand the SNMP protocol, we will describe the main TCP/IP network protocols. This will allow to describe the TCP/IP network management protocol, SNMP. Then, after having briefly glanced at the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) network management protocol, we will expose some network management programs.
Date of Award1991
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorPhilippe Van Bastelaer (Supervisor)

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