Modalités d'interaction pour les personnes lourdement handicapées: étude et conception d'une application de téléphonie

  • Pierre Rousseau

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


With the help of computer science, the daily life of severely disabled people has
improved greatly in the recent years. They are able to regain autonomy, using for
instance the joystick of a wheelchair or a remote control. The goal of this work
is twofold : first, to be able to propose a solution to make phone calls through
an adapted interface, and second, to propose a decision support when choosing
a modality of interaction according to the handicap of the user. These objectives
were fulfilled by designing a suitable VoIP application as well as a decision tree
for interaction modalities. This will make possible to further improve the daily life
of severely disabled people who have the opportunity to have a telephony solution
adapted to their needs and difficulties.
Keywords : Interaction, modalities, severely disabled people, VoIP
Date of Award22 Jun 2017
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorAnthony Cleve (President) & Bruno Dumas (Supervisor)

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