Modélisation des phénomènes de champ proche optique en microscopie et en interférométrie

    Student thesis: Doc typesDoctor of Sciences


    Thanks to a method based on green's tensors, we have modelled near-field optics phenomena in the framework of: - near-field optical microscopy, in which a dielectric tip, coated or not with metal, interacts with the surface to be analysed; - interferometry, well-known in geometrical optics, demonstrating in near-field particular behaviours that could be used also in microscopy. These models were compared sucessfully with experiments performed in the domain of SNOM (Scanning Near-field Microscopy).
    Date of Award1996
    Original languageEnglish


    • optics
    • near-field
    • modelling
    • microscopy
    • interferométry
    • Green's tensor

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