Migrant women characteristics and decision-making in the household

  • Dieu-merci Akonkwa Nyamuhirwa

Student thesis: Master typesAdvanced Master in International and Development Economics


This study provides an intergenerational assessment of Turkish-German migrants and pursues a twofold objective. First, it challenges the “paradox of immigration” that resulted from an “identity problem” which might prevent migrants to benefit from immigration. Secondly, it assesses migrant women’s empowerment in an almost egalitarian environment. To do so, the second wave’s data of the GGS (Gender Generations Survey) is used. Two main findings resulted from this study. First, immigration from Turkish to Germany is beneficial for migrants, and especially their children. Secondly, migrant women are more likely to be empowered than men. These results were robust in rejecting the hypothesis of the “paradox of immigration”, and they were consistent with the “melting pot” theory and collective model of the household.
Date of Award2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorCatherine Guirkinger (Supervisor) & Coline BROKA (Co-Supervisor)


  • migration
  • women
  • decision-making
  • Turkish-German

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