Méthodes de linéarisation pour résoudre un problème d'équilibre mathématique non différentiable

  • Stéphanie Nélisse

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    We present two linearization methods to solve a nondifferentiable equilibrium problem of the form: find x* in a set C such that f(x*,y) ? 0 for all y in C. This problem covers many problems as the variational inequalities problems. The first method is the combined relaxation method. We describe this method for the equilibrium problem, the generalized and multivalued variational inequalities problems and the multivalued inclusions. The second method is the bundle method. We describe it first for the equilibrium problem then we apply it to the generalized and multivalued variational inequalities problems.
    Date of Award2007
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorJean-Jacques STRODIOT (Supervisor), Van Hien Nguyen (Jury) & Geneviève Salmon (Jury)

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