L’e-mailing commercial
: étude de l’influence du niveau de personnalisation du champ objet de l’e-mail sur la propension à l’ouvrir par le consommateur

Translated title of the thesis: Commercial e-mailing: study of the influence of the level of personalization of the subject field of the e-mail on the propensity to open it by the consumer
  • Marine Joes

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science


The objective of this work is to study the influence of the level of personalization present in the subject line of a commercial e-mail, customer relationship tool, on the consumer intention to open it. For this work, we focus on the fashion market. Thanks to a quantitative study, we placed the respondents into experimental conditions by showing them different levels of personalization. To verify the model and the hypotheses formulated on the basis of previous work, we analyzed the data collected. The particularity of this work lies in the moderation analysis of various variables on the relationship between the level of personalization and the intention to open the e-mail. Our results show that the perceived level of personalization influences the propensity to open an e-mail and that many variables positively influence the relationship.
Date of Award4 Sept 2020
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorPietro Zidda (Supervisor)


  • E-mail
  • Personalization
  • Marketing
  • Subject

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