La proactivité dans l'Internet des Objets: réponses en temps réel et optimisations

  • Florian Daloze

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


In the current context of the emergence of the Internet of Things, it becomes more
and more problematic to manage, configure and secure all the devices that surround us.
Solutions are offered by Intel and IBM to manage this environment in a proactive or
autonomous way. Creating a proactive engine requires working on performance in order
to get a software capable of reacting in real time to the events that surround it. This
thesis presents different ways of solutions to obtain a reactive and efficient system while
maintaining a vision compatible with the binding world of the Internet of Things
Date of Award21 Jun 2017
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorAnthony Cleve (President) & Jean-Noel Colin (Supervisor)

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