IMF approach to macroeconomic stabilization in LICs

  • Mohamed Edehane

Student thesis: Master typesSpecialised Master in International and Development Economics


I investigate in this pepper the IMF approach to fulfill its mandate in LOWE INCOM COUNTRIES by focusing on the importance of fiscal rules as a strong tool that could impact the fiscal stance and long-term growth in Lowe income countries. I presented details about the fiscal rules and their design elements particularly in support of enforcement in low-income countries. I took the fiscal rules imposed by the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (EMCCA) on CAMERON as a case of study . I found The fiscal rules in low-income countries are very important. they help to increase stability by reducing the procyclicality of the policy if it is well designed and also, The supranational rules have proven their efficiency for the economic unions and countries monetary union because they maintain a certain level of fiscal discipline but the stabilization policies and fiscal rules have not achieved much growth in the long term, at least for the past 10 years Growth rates although they achieved sustainable debt level.
Date of Award1 Sept 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMarie VAN OVERBEKE (Supervisor) & Marie Seleck (Co-Supervisor)

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