Illustrations graphiques en trois dimensions de concepts de base en algèbre

  • Catherine Scolas

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    Given the difficulties of the students in the first year of "baccalauréat" in computer science to understand some of the concepts of the course of Algebra given by Mrs Sartenaer, the goal of this work is to illustrate these concepts in the vector space R3 on R, in order to lead to a better understanding. To this aim, we identify the parts of the course of Algebra which are interesting to illustrate, we analyse the difficulties that the students could encounter when studying these parts, and we develop the illustrations. Finally, in order to adapt these illustrations to the students, we test them in the presence of the students.
    Date of Award2005
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorAnnick Sartenaer (Supervisor), Philippe TOINT (Jury) & Suzanne THIRY (Jury)

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