How to optimize the use of the Incident Management System (IMS) within Marketing & Logistics (M&L) operations
: study case at Methanex

  • Lison Govoerts

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Management Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration


This research work is a thesis project carried out as part of the business immersion program proposed at the University of Namur.
This work studies the different ways to optimize the use of an incident management system.
The case study for this thesis is Methanex, the company that hosted the immersion internship. For the needs of this international company, this thesis is written in English.
This research work covers the topics of incident management, project management and change management. These themes are addressed through five defined research sub-objectives:
1) How to promote the reporting of near misses and incidents?
2) How to increase knowledge around the incident management system?
3) How to follow up on incidents and identify trends and patterns?
4) How to improve the efficiency of the system by reducing the opening time of an incident?
5) How to ensure / maintain a high quality of investigation?
Date of Award23 Jun 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMelanie Latiers (Supervisor)


  • Incident management
  • Change management
  • Project management

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