Gestion des données dans les systèmes de transport intelligents
: Le cas de la Ville de Namur

  • Oussama Essafi

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


Regarding urban population growth and congestion issues in the cities, access to these
becomes a real challenge for road users. It is therefore necessary to move towards a
solution that allows citizens to travel easily and without having to worry about road
traffc which seems to be a major source of stress nowadays.
The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) concept is a proposed solution to this
rising issue. Indeed, those have proven themselves in several cities around the world by
improving urban mobility.
Data gathering and management are important activities in the establishment and
operation of an ITS and this thesis deals not only with the issues related to the multiple
formats in which these data can be found but also their types, structures and the methods used to access these data, as well as the interoperability between the ITS and the various data sources. This work focuses on the particular case of the ITS Namur project which is in a start-up phase and proposes a data requirements analysis in this particular case.
Date of Award18 Jun 2018
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMichael Petit (Supervisor)


  • intelligent transport system,
  • mobility
  • data gathering
  • interoperability

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