Extensible DSL for Specifying Editors in a MetaCASE Tool

  • Magusiak Krzysztof

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


Domain-specific languages (DSL's) become more and more popular for specifying and configuring existing systems. The gap between a DSL and the domain is smaller than the gap between a general-purpose language and the domain. So, these DSL's are simpler to understand and write; however, there is a need for proper tool support for presenting, editing, validating and transforming such models.
In this thesis, an approach for defining a customizable and extensible language for specifying user interfaces for meta-models will be presented. In other words, we will extend an already existing domain-specific language, Grasyla, so that it can specify the concrete syntax and be able to handle events. The model used for testing the presented approach will be the User Requirement Notation (URN). Then, a method for generating basic concrete syntax specifications, mainly for editors, from a meta-model will be presented.
Date of Award22 Jun 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorVincent Englebert (Supervisor)

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