Etude du problème des trois corps avec application aux systèmes binaires

  • Florence AUQUIER

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    Binary systems are star syetems in which stars are connected gravitationnelly and they represent a big part of the total population of stars. When these systems possess a planetary or stellar companion, they become an important area of application of the three-body problem. The theory developed by Eric Ford and his colleagues (Ap. J., 535, 2000), called octupole theory, supplies a very useful tool in the study of such systems. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to show that this theory accurately describes the dynamics of triple systems, whatever the masses of the individual stars are. This simplified analytical approach is also effective in the study of triple systems recently observed: PSR B1620-26 and DH 109648. In conclusion, this study show that the octupole theory turns out to be an excellent tool for modelizing the secular evolution of binary systems hosting a stellar or planetary companion.
    Date of Award18 Jan 2011
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorAnne-Sophie Libert (Co-Supervisor), Timoteo Carletti (Jury), Jean-Charles DELVENNE (Jury) & Anne Lemaitre (Supervisor)

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