Enrichissement d'un diagramme de classes par design patterns selon une approche transformationnelle

  • Steve Barbieux

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


The design patterns constitute tested and documented solutions to recurring problems in object oriented programming area. CASE tools propose these design patterns in the form of library of class diagrams which can be re-used in other class diagrams. Nevertheless, the contribution of these tools remains limited and therefore insufficient. Indeed, we think that the enrichment of one diagram using a design pattern should be specific to this design pattern and should transform the diagram thereof. We thus propose a prototype of system of transformation of class diagrams using design patterns which we criticize before suggest tracks of improvement and alternatives. The heart of this implementation is carried out in Prolog and the user interface is provided by DB-Main programmed by its integrated language Voyager 2.
Date of Award2006
Original languageFrench
SupervisorVincent Englebert (Supervisor)

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