Elaboration d'une méthodologie orientée-principes pour la modélisation business de la vie privée sur base de textes légaux

  • Thomas Kupper

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


With constantly increasing volume of collected and processed private
data, it becomes more and more important to protect individuals. The Gene-
ral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented by European Union,
will enforce as of 2018 new regulations to any actor processing or collecting
personal data. This Master Thesis presents a methodology to create models
at a business level (organizational) in compliance with a legal text. An application
of this methodology to the GDPR is presented, in order to provide
a tool to those actors.
Keywords : principles-oriented model, privacy management, GDPR, modeling
methodology, legal compliance, model.
Date of Award21 Jun 2017
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorAnthony Cleve (President) & Jean-Noel Colin (Supervisor)

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