Des expographes et des œuvres: analyse typologique des formes d'implication personnelle de l'expographe dans les logiques de disposition qu'il conçoit

  • Francois Poncelet

    Student thesis: Doc typesDoctor of History, Art and Archeology


    The purpose of the thesis is to study the logics that determined and determine the arrangement of works of art, the one after the other, in the exhibitions and the museums. Two typologies are set up and identify different exhibitors ("classificateur, chercheur, vecteur, entremetteur, créateur and discurseur") and various approaches and logics of arrangement ("taxinomique, analytique, perceptive, analogique, dialogique, expocentrique nnd infradiscursive"). This lead to elaborate an analytic model that highlights the issues of any exhibition of works of art.
    Date of Award14 Sept 2011
    Original languageFrench
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Namur
    SupervisorMichel Lefftz (Supervisor), André Gob (Co-Supervisor), Yvette VANDEN BEMDEN (Co-Supervisor), Serge Chaumier (Jury), Pierre-Jean Foulon (Jury) & Raymond Montpetit (Jury)


    • Museum Studies
    • Arrangement

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