Definition of a model-based methodology for improving business-IT alignment based on SAM

  • Marie Ntumb An Mwinkeu

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering


Information systems contribute to business performance. However, given the new technologies, businesses need to be able to adapt as best they can achieve their long-term goals. The choice of information systems is not easy for managers. Indeed, it is essential to opt for the one that best meets the needs and strategy of the company. As a result, one of the challenges companies face is the problem of strategic alignment, which is why several studies and methods have been proposed in this direction to guide business leaders in this process of alignment.
The objective of our study is to analyse SAM and ArchiMate, two approaches that aim to support this alignment. The starting questions will therefore be:
1. What are SAM’s strengths over ArchiMate?
2. What concepts does ArchiMate offer that SAM does not offer?
3. What are the similarities between SAM and ArchiMate?
4. To what extent can we leverage ArchiMate and SAM to propose a new approach that would support the strategic alignment process?
To answer these questions, we analysed the general structure of the two approaches, the concepts they propose and the relationships that can be made between the two approaches. The results obtained allowed us to redefine the concepts of SAM that we projected on those of ArchiMate.
Date of Award28 Aug 2018
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMichael Petit (Supervisor)

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