Defining referential integrity constraints on NoSQL datastores

  • Thibaud Masson
  • Romain Ravet

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer Science Professional focus in Software engineering


Nowadays, information systems have to respond to needs which become more and more complex. Therefore, they become more difficult to use and have to take into account a bigger data amount. This is why a lot of people are using NoSQL datastores now, allowing a better flexibility during the development than traditional relational databases.
However this kind of database does not handle the data integrity, as well as the Referential integrity constraints. This is why the idea of defining and validating these Referential integrity constraints would be a good step forward in the context of the NoSQL datastores.
On a technical point of view, this referential constraints managing system could take advantage of the model-driven techniques. Model-driven engineering (MDE) enables developers to build code generative architectures by means of model transformations. Specifically, the implemented solution would be a language representing the definition and the validation of referential integrity constraints. With that, a code generation tool will also be developed. It remains important to point out that although this work is confined to the graph-oriented NoSQL datastores, the language and its supporting is oriented to any NoSQL source.
Date of Award14 Jun 2019
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorAnthony Cleve (Supervisor)


  • NoSQL datastores
  • Graph-oriented
  • Referential Integrity constraints
  • Model-driven engineering techniques
  • Code generation

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