CVNO - Carrier-Grade Virtual Network Operator

Translated title of the thesis: CVNO - Carrier-Grade Virtual Network Operator
  • Alexandre Lazard

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


The emergence of Cloud Computing paves the way to Xaas (Anything as a Service). This is potentially true for telecommunications services. As their implementation is more and more based on software, we can consider a scenario where an infrastructure-less operator would deploy its switches in the Cloud. The challenge such an operator would face is the level of service that it can guarantee to its customers, knowing that itself depends on the level of service provided by its Cloud providers. The purpose of the thesis is to explore the technical conditions under which an operator can be virtualized and commit to provide a Carrier Grade (99.999% availability) service level.
Date of Award3 Sept 2013
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorLaurent Schumacher (Supervisor)


  • Cloud Computing, telecommunication, Carrier Grade, Asterisk, PBX, performances, virtual network, SIP

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