Creation of a list of good and bad practices as regards BI dashboard design

  • Camille MAZUIN

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Business Engineering Professional focus in Analytics & Digital Business


In an environment where competition is increasingly strong and data is more and more present, companies are increasingly concerned with taking advantage of the information they have at their disposal to help them make better decisions. One of the leading solutions of the moment is the use of tools that promote business intelligence such as dashboards, often referred to as BI dashboards. The design of these dashboards by specialised people for business users can sometimes cause friction and therefore lead to the inefficiency of these initially idyllic tools. The aim of this thesis is to propose a list of general recommendations in terms of visual and functional characteristics for all types of sectors in order to help designers of BI solutions when conceiving them. This list is intended to be as practical as possible in order to provide a clear and straightforward basis for reducing the gap between end-user expectations and designer requirements. This collection of good and bad practices has been compiled following twenty interviews with users who criticised a series of dashboards designed specifically for the present study.
Date of Award29 Aug 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorCorentin Burnay (Supervisor)


  • Dashboard
  • Business intelligence
  • Dashboard design

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